
By Amy Houston | Senior Reporter

September 26, 2023 | 3 min read

The TV chef has been on a tour of the UK meeting with farmers and learning about their produce.

In the spot, Kerridge shares all the things he did not know about the retailer’s processes before starting this journey under the strapline ‘This Is Not Just Food – It’s Never Just Food’.

To coincide with the TV ad, there will also be out-of-home (OOH) activations, print and advertorial spending.

“At M&S we have always been known for our quality food and as a business we’ve been first or at the forefront for many things for many years, for example we were the first to take hydrogenated fats out of our products in 2006 and MSG was removed completely in 2003," said Sharry Cramond, marketing director for M&S Food and Hospitality.

“We also have more RSPCA-assured products than anyone else and we have had only free-range eggs in our stores and products for more than 20 years – the list is endless.”

The 2023 finale of Farm to Foodhall aired last night in the UK on ITV.

“Our customers are more interested than ever in where their food comes from, as well as what is in it, for when they are feeding their families. They also really care about animal welfare and the welfare of our farmers and suppliers too,” continued Cramond.

“We wanted to shout about what really sets us apart from other supermarkets when it comes to quality and ingredients and have packaged it up under the banner ‘This Is Not Just Food….It’s Never Just Food’. And who better to tell our story than Tom Kerridge who has starred in our highly successful Farm to Foodhall adverts the past year.”

Read our interview with Sharry Cramond on the future of M&S's footballer-fronted nutrition drive.

Creative Creative Works M&S

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