Marketing Agency Leadership Brand Strategy

The connection imperative: How brands can bring us together amid polycrisis

By Carrie Patterson Reed | Executive director



The Drum Network article

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October 9, 2023 | 9 min read

Some say our time is defined by ubiquitous ‘polycrisis’ and interconnected problems that only serve to make us feel more alone. Against this backdrop, VMLY&R’s Carrie Patterson Reed argues that brands’ connective responsibilities are clear.

Red lights blurring out an image of a person

If our crises are all connected, then so are we. But what role do brands play in that ecosystem? / Guillaume Bourdages via Unsplash

The slow economy. Climate change. Rising poverty. Polarization. What if I said that our crises are more connected than we are as people?

We’re living in an era of polycrisis, with both short- and long-term crises across the planet and in our backyards.

You may think, ‘haven’t we lived in eras like this before?’ You wouldn’t be wrong. But what’s changed is the scale, complexity and interconnectedness of our present crises. The cost-of-living crisis doesn’t just affect you or your country. It impacts the global economy. Even when it isn’t literally connected, it feels connected. For example, the perception of crime is at an all-time high, even though we are technically safer than we were 20 or even 30 years ago.

Stress fractures

We might hope that this interconnectedness would cause trauma bonding, helping us to forge deeper connections through shared experiences. That hasn’t yet proved to be true. Rather, we’ve been managing these webs of stressors on an individual level, particularly in the US, where this way of operating is culturally ingrained. Society encourages leaning into our fortitude and resilience: take a vacation, do some self-care rituals, find a way, because there must be one if you try hard enough. We feel small and alone, up against something impossibly large and complex.

Living through pervasive and prolonged stress does a real number on our brains and bodies. In the face of a threat, we experience one of the 4Fs: fight, flight, free or fawn. While our limbic system was wired in this way to survive a tiger on the savanna, it wasn’t built to handle today’s threats — abstract, existential, overlapping, and enduring.

Experiments show that this stress negatively affects our decision-making abilities. Research also points to heightened anxiety, decision paralysis and reduced impulse control. It doesn’t take much imagination to see how this shapes our navigation of the world, whether unruly behavior toward strangers, the inability to sort misinformation, or the perception that differences are a threat. Our brains are under duress, yet the big orienting structures of our lives — work, society, government — aren’t showing up in a moment of great need.

Much has been made of the surgeon general’s report on what has been dubbed the ‘loneliness epidemic’. Connection may be the salve we’re all looking for. In fact, connection is quite literally the body’s antidote, easing stressors brought on by prolonged stress.

What does this all have to do with the world of brands? They have huge power in the world today, so why can’t we lead the charge to create connection, inclusion, and belonging in this world? According to Kantar, 65% of the population believe that business has a responsibility to make society fairer. There’s never been a better time for brands to step up. But how?

1. Connect your brand values from the inside out

Your employee experience shows. It’s clear when your message to the world is in/out of alignment with the experience of your company. With the best brands, you can feel their values at every touch point, and it creates a world people want to be a part of.

2. Help consumers share what they value

Consumers use brands to easily connect their identities and values with a like-minded community. Not only does gen Z expect this, but our research shows that they are two times more likely to consider a brand when it shares their missions, passions, and purpose. Only 12% see that as a demotivating reason to purchase a brand.

3. Make people feel seen

In an era marked by isolation, there’s a strong desire to belong and feel seen. Our research shows that only 14% of gen Z feels seen in advertising today. Brands that unlock inclusion and representation are seen as more trusted and more authentic, and they experience a 23-point lift in purchase intent.

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4. Prioritize inclusive innovation

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5. Practice reciprocity via experiences

In relationships, care begets care. Brands must care about their consumers beyond the immediate bottom line. Focusing on experiences creates loyal brand advocates with 2.1 times customer lifetime value and 1.7 times revenue growth. Showing value and care may not have an instant financial return, but it will have a longer impact for your brand.

The imperative to connect couldn’t be more urgent. If we continue in a disconnected fashion, we will be marching toward chronic and fatal health impacts. But if we choose to design a future that promotes care (we see you, Singapore), we could improve our societies in numerous ways. We should expect and demand the care every individual deserves. As brand advocates, we have an important opportunity to build a future where brands help us belong and help us care for ourselves and others — creating the world we want to be a part of.

Marketing Agency Leadership Brand Strategy

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VMLY&R COMMERCE is WPP’s end-to-end Creative Commerce Company. Built on the commerce expertise and scaled through VMLY&R’s connected brand promise, we help modern brands grow by unifying marketing strategies around commerce.

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