Marketing Awards Case Studies The Drum Awards

Ecover dispensed with all forms personal data and profiling to reach new customers

June 21, 2023 | 4 min read

The campaign won in the Consumer Packaged Goods category at The Drum Awards for Marketing EMEA.


Ecover wins at The Drum Marketing Awards EMEA

Ecover is an environmental cleaning company on a mission to revolutionize the products, materials and methods we use in everyday cleaning, from laundry to washing dishes. Its products and services are sold across Europe, including in the UK, the Netherlands, France and Switzerland. Last year, Ecover wanted to drive awareness of its market position as a sustainable lifestyle brand across households in Germany

The Idea

Ecover wanted to build awareness, finding new customers online wanting to buy more eco-focused goods. Cookie-driven or people-based targeting didn’t necessarily serve Ecover’s purposes, since there was no specific demographic or product purchase intent to match. After all, does wanting to reduce your environmental impact interest more over-55s or under-30s? Urban families or rural empty nesters? It seems a classic example where any audience assumptions may not apply. Alongside this, an approach that avoided the use of personal data, tracking and profiling users seemed more in line with the brand than surveilling and targeting specific individuals. Ecover wanted to develop a campaign that would dispense with all forms of personal data and profiling while at the same time reaching the people showing the most intent to buy its products.

The Strategy

For its brand awareness push, Ecover employed the help of Nano Interactive, leaders in ID-free ad targeting solutions. Working with media agency Msix, Ecover used Nano’s LIIF (Live Intent Identity-Free Targeting) platform to reach relevant audiences based on their live search and contextual intent. A series of display ads were targeted against a selected range of audience intents mapping to a diverse range of content and contexts, ensuring they were seen by the most relevant audiences that mattered to the brand.

The Results

The campaign successfully reached Ecover’s key target audience – those looking to live a more environmentally friendly lifestyle, with ‘sustainability’ proving to be the best-performing intent and context. The results exceeded expectations, reaching more than a million unique users during a nine-week period, two-and-a-half times more than the original media objective. Key to the campaign’s success was the highly impactful and engaging Lightbox creative format. This was a great example of adaptability within a campaign process – at the start, only the products and call to action were clickable on the advert, but expanding this to include more clickable areas led to an eight-times increase in second-stage performance.

This campaign won at The Drum Awards for Marketing EMEA 2023. Find out more about The Drum’s Global Awards program or head to our case studies hub to read more award-winning stories.

Marketing Awards Case Studies The Drum Awards

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