Marketing Awards Case Studies Brand Strategy

85% of Swedish parents know more about CPR after insurance brand Trygg-Hansa's campaign


By Awards Analyst | writer

December 8, 2022 | 4 min read

BCW Stockholm for the insurance firm Trygg-Hansa won at The Drum Awards for PR 2022 in the Best Finance and professional services/Effective us of creativity category. Here, we find out how Tyrgg-Hansa raised awareness of CPR in its 'Marked for Life' project.

Trygg-Hansa 'Marked for Life' campaign

Trygg-Hansa 'Marked for Life' campaign

In Sweden, drowning is the most common deadly accident for children between 1-6 years. But a national survey discovered most parents didn’t know how to do CPR on children should an accident occur. Trygg-Hansa educated the public about CPR by marking children with temporary tattoos.

The brief

The ambition of the campaign was to reach Trygg-Hansa’s audience, educate and strengthen its brand position in the area of water safety. Trygg-Hansa needed a creative solution to teach people the steps of CPR on children. The campaign objectives were to increase public knowledge about CPR; increase bookings to the company’s CPR course by 5%; reach 4 million with a further 3 million social media reach and increase brand consideration.

The idea

Parents in Sweden are commonly offered a course in CPR when their child is born. But this knowledge often wears out by the time their child is old enough to be swimming alone. The strategy was to offer a new and easy way for families to bring fresh CPR knowledge to the beach. So, in a critical situation, information on how to save a life would be present when it matters most.

To communicate its message the brand turned the bodies of swimming children into living instruction manuals for CPR. So, in a critical situation, the lifesaving information would be present when it was needed the most. To overcome stress or language barriers the tattoos used symbols.

The packaging of the tattoos contained QR codes that linked to Trygg-Hansa’s website for more information on CPR. To maximize earned media the tattoo boxes were handed out at public beaches and distributed by the Swedish Lifesaving Society to swimming schools across the country.

Short videos were also produced for owned and social media channels and the press were invited to interview the company’s water safety expert about how to do CPR.

The results

Pre-campaign a national survey said 60% of parents were unsure of CPR, and post-campaign 85% claimed they were familiar with CPR. The number of CPR courses taken increased by 70% compared to the previous summer. Earned media reached 9,691,000, social media reach achieved 7,913,860, and brand consideration was at the highest in the brand’s history.

The tattoo’s sparked a national conversation about CPR and Trygg-Hansa strengthened its leading position in water safety.

This campaign was a winner at The Drum Awards for PR 2022. You can see all the winners here. The Drum Awards for Marketing are currently open for entry. Find out how you can enter now.

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